Monday, August 24, 2020

BP Global Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico & Its Affect on Local Businesses Research Paper

BP Global Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico and Its Affect on Local Businesses - Research Paper Example Inlet of Mexico has been a home for upwards of 36 Marine Protected Areas (MPA) representing 13 % of all out MPAs all through the country notwithstanding the MPAs of the circumscribing States of Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas waters totaling 75 excluded from the national standard MPAs. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Flower Garden Sanctuary have been undermined by the oil slick which could embroil British Petroleum under National Marine Sanctuaries Act. The coral reefs have likewise been harmed by the oil murkiness stretching out for around 22 miles from the Deepwater Horizon site. The Act makes it at risk for harming any living or nonliving asset of national marine haven influencing its protection, recreational, biological, recorded, instructive, social, logical or stylish worth. The Act accommodates inconvenience of common punishments as high as $ 100,000 on any individual and every day of infringement establishing a different infringement. Aside from common punishments, reaction costs, harms because of devastation, misfortune or injury in addition to intrigue are leviable under the Act. There are additionally different Acts, for example, government Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act which can make BP at risk for passings of dolphins and ocean turtles as a result.1 Background The above said victory happened at the BP’s Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico bringing about the passings of 11 laborers who were on Transocean’s Deepwater Horizon Drilling rig. An expected 4.9 million barrels of oil were spilled all the while. The wellhead was 1,500 m down beneath the ocean water. The United States announced a ban on deepwater penetrating until October 12, 2010. It is generally accepted that the victory could have been forestalled however for the low quality of hardware intended to forestall blowout.2 Known as the last-line of guard, the visually impaired shear slam on the victory preventer fixed on well hea d on the sea floor would have squashed the drill pipe accordingly forestalling a victory. The visually impaired shear slam is accepted to have fizzled for need of checks as basic as confirming whether the batteries had been adequately charged. BP’s examination group is accounted for to have held that the all around had been inadequately structured. Seaward Pollution Liability Association (OPOL) where participation is willful accommodates just a most extreme obligation of $ 250,000which is deficient given the extent of misfortune coming about because of the Gulf of Mexico occurrence. In spite of the fact that OPOL enrollment is a pre-condition for boring permit, there is no justification for an intentional participation. This is able to debilitate the lawful control of the polluters who might guarantee that harms to biodiversity and environment are backhanded and hence no remuneration is payable.3 Marine oil slicks are not unavoidable mishaps. Unfavorable natural conditions or any calamitous occasions can't be credited to oil spills.4 The seaward penetrating unit at the Deep Water Horizon was worth$365 million fit for working in profound waters as low as 8000 feet and drill further down up to 30,000 feet. The boring unit had been occupied with penetrating an exploratory well 41 miles off the bank of Louisiana at the hour of mishap. The well from which oil slick began on April 20, 2010 was at last topped on July 15, 2010. The all out harms to the organization, condition and the waterfront economy have been set at $ 36.9 billion. Aside from human mistake and gear disappointment, the U.S. Government’s inability to react with harm control measure, media

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Building Organizational Governance in Hospital

Question: Talk about the Building Organizational Governance in Hospital. Answer: The exposition targets making a comprehension of the circumstance of the Sydney Community Hospital authoritative structure and its relationship with the crucial the objectives of the cordiality associations. The Sydney Community Hospital has been giving intense and crisis administrations to the nearby network. With the expanding request, the clinic has additionally been found to concentrate on the requirements of changes in its administrations. This article targets examining the points of interest and restrictions of the present authoritative structure. Center will be made in distinguishing the appropriate structure expected to accomplish the hierarchical objectives and targets. In view of the discoveries, proposals to defeat the authoritative impediment will be made. Points of interest and Limitations of the Existing medical clinic Organizational Structure: As expressed by Van der Voet, (2014), authoritative structure is the foundation of an association whereupon the total hierarchical exercises depend. Bureaucratic hierarchical structure follows an administrative revealing relationship and a progression of thought and choices. In any case, bureaucratic structure follows a few layers of the board and a solitary individual isn't answerable for taking any significant choice. On the off chance that the comparable circumstance is considered for the emergency clinics, it tends to be said that this hierarchical structure has the two favorable circumstances and constraints. As contended by Al-Amin, Makarem and Rosko, (2016), the authoritative head in a bureaucratic type of association is the person who is all around experienced and has significant information about the particular territory. If there should arise an occurrence of a clinic, this specific quality is of absolute significance. Undertaking any sort of novice choice may end up being lethal for both the association and its kin. On the off chance that the changing need of human services and medical clinic is thought of, it must be said that there has been uncommon changes. The earnestness of social insurance has expanded. With the accessibility of clinical consideration protection alongside better mechanical alternatives, the interest of the buyers has likewise changed. What's more, it must be comprehended that the populace is additionally developing as is their interest. Consequently, adhering to the customary bureaucratic structure of the emergency clinics probably won't be as viable as it used to be. Here untruths the restriction of the bureaucratic structure of the clinic. The authority of individuals is tightened to predetermined number of individuals. Keeping the comparable circumstance into thought, Askim, Christensen and Lgreid, (2015) has proposed various constraints that really prevents the viability of crafted by the experts at the emergency clinics. An even and non-various leveled structure helps individuals in the association to make brief move. As called attention to by Wallace, (2015), that there stay numerous people like medical attendants or junior specialists who probably won't be at the highest point of the progressive structure however they have the significant information and insight to deal with various emergency circumstances that may happen anytime of time. Likewise, a non-bureaucratic structure additionally assists with expanding the spirit of the individuals. Along these lines, individuals at the medical clinics would likewise have the option to satisfy the dynamic need of the individuals in the present circumstance. Elective Organizational Structure Suitable for The Sydney Community Hospital (SCH): Hierarchical structure followed by The Sydney Community Hospital (SCH) is practical (bureaucratic) authoritative structure where various offices are separated by their activity capacities performed. For instance nursing administrations, clinical administrations and corporate administrations are isolated according to their expected set of responsibilities and they have important representatives under every classification of administrations, for example, the attendant administrator overseeing nursing staff, senior clinical staffs overseeing junior clinical staffs and center supervisors overseeing managerial staffs separately. Notwithstanding, an option hierarchical structure that could be trailed by The Sydney Community Hospital (SCH) is a procedure based authoritative structure, which centers around different various procedures inside the clinic, for example, tolerant treatment satisfaction, innovative work, obsessive research center tests, restorative offices, nursing and looks up fo rms, etc (Al-Ami, 2016). In contrast to a useful hierarchical structure, the procedure puts together authoritative structure center with respect to various exercises performed by staff in communicating with one another and not simply the representative exercises being performed. As indicated by Foss (2013), process based hierarchical structure is a lot of appropriate for development of effectiveness and speed inside a quickly advancing business condition. Procedure based hierarchical structure is a lot of simple to adjust and subsequently is prescribed to The Sydney Community Hospital (SCH) following useful authoritative structure so by and large changing of the structure isn't extremely confounded to move upsetting existing execution of medical clinic or hampering progressing obligations of faculty. The hierarchical structure of SCH will join five significant administrations that incorporate supporting and advancing social insurance, which will involve various specialists and medical caretakers having competency and involvement with their applicable field, for example, cardiologists, therapists, pediatrician, ophthalmologists, optometrists, nephrologists, general doctor, ENT masters, dermatologists, urologists and gynecologists (Millar, 2014). These work force guarantee patients going to the medicinal services unit get a compelling treatment and recovers. Recognition of medical problems is another procedure, which will be constrained by various nursing and demonstrative work force by SCH to perform different lab tests on patients like MRI, X-Ray, USG, ECG, blood test, pulse checking, pee test, diabetes test, etc (Zingg, 2015). Operational procedures will likewise be available that incorporates activity theaters and other careful administrations by scope of general specialist and expert dental specialist to perform confounded careful procedure on patients. As indicated by Mosadeghrad (2014), treatment of sickness will be done through procedure of legitimate drug units that will guarantee scope of proficient meds is accessible at the human services unit untouched. At last patient connection bolster will ensure that normal course of action of exams, arrangements, money related help for treatment, mature age support and different administrations are given to patients proficiently. A procedure based hierarchical structure will likewise help SCH in giving positive wellbeing experience towards network (Murray, 2014). With scope of different specialists and clinical authorities, SCH will likewise give master, top notch care in organization with patients, other human services suppliers and the network. Key Line of Authority and Responsibilities for Achieving generally speaking SCH Goals The key line of expert for the current authoritative structure courses through the CEO to the subordinates. The three subordinates leaving are the chief of nursing administrations, executive of clinical administrations and executive of corporate administrations. The executive of nursing administrations oversees nurture chief and medical attendant director deals with the nursing staffs. Chief of clinical administrations oversees in this manner senior clinical staff and senior clinical staffs deal with the lesser clinical staffs. So also, center supervisors who are overseen by chief of corporate administrations oversee managerial staffs. Current useful authoritative structure has a significant issue of correspondence inside entomb administrations (Wallace, 2015). Subsequently, if a nursing staff requires an aides in regards to issues for persistent arrangement, nurture supervisor should be educated after a terrorizing to chief regarding nursing administrations (Sorensen, 2013). At last , when the notification arrives at CEO, it will be sent to executive of corporate administrations which will at that point be sent to center chiefs lastly to regulatory staffs. Thusly, it tends to be seen that whole correspondence framework is a lot of confounded that offers ascend to postpone of assignments and different complexities like game plan of consent from CEO. Also any sort of issues or issues in regards to entomb administrations are not looked for until CEO is educated in regards to the issues. Because of absence of bury administration interface, appropriate coordination of administrations additionally needs. In any case, following a procedure based hierarchical structure will guarantee that legitimate correspondence is kept up among various administrations. On the off chance that correspondence boundary emerges among various administrations, giving of work will be deferred and make an issue. In the event that the procedure based structure is followed likewise, effectiveness and speed of the procedures is quickly changed. In addition, the proposed framework is anything but difficult to embrace and creates less turmoil with respect to feeling of set of working responsibilities and authority. A procedure based hierarchical destinations guarantees improved execution of association in accomplishment of mission, vision and incentive deeply. Points of interest and Limitations of Process Based Organizational Structure: Van Dijk-de Vries (2017) remarked that following a procedure based hierarchical structure gives a chance to SCH in characterizing an away from of progress in procedures and execution after some time. Full arrangement of exercises, for example, consumer loyalty, nature of treatment, nature of meds will be engaged just as money related outcomes that incorporate SCH benefits, financial plans, cost and incomes. As indicated by Van Riet Paap (2014), wrong choices will be abstained from diminishing time, cost and assets of the emergency clinic. Any potential danger will be foreseen, for example, conceivable wrong treatment or inappropriate medicine will be distinguished effectively because of accessibility of procedure. For instance if the authoritative staff gets a grievance from a patient in regards to ill-advised prescription or hypersensitive response to specific sort of medication, it will be before long moved to clinical

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Starting an Online Business at School

Starting an Online Business at School Tips for Starting an Online Business at University Tips for Starting an Online Business at University Starting an online business during university can end up not only helping you pay the bills, but also provide you with valuable business experience that translates into future employment and economic opportunities. Why start an online business at university? There are also a number of online ventures that require, surprisingly, minimal startup funds, and which you can conduct fairly hassle-free from a coffee shop, your dorm room, or anywhere that’s comfortable. Below are some tips and ideas for starting and managing an online business while you are studying. The drop shipping business model Drop shipping is a form of business that allows you to sell directly to customers without having to maintain a large (or any) inventory, or needing to coordinate delivery to anyone. This allows you to sell, and keep an online store without taking on any of the risk involved in keeping a warehouse (and paying for storage space). The point of drop shipping is being able to sell without having to warehouse or manufacture anything. To begin drop shipping items, you work with a company that specializes in this form of selling and warehousing. To do this, you list products for sale, either on your website, or through a platform like Amazon or Etsy. When a visitor to your website or Amazon page decides to make a purchase, you purchase that item from your drop shipper (typically a wholesaler or manufacturer) for a lower price, and the difference is your profit. You can either manually forward an order form to your drop seller, or download software and plugins that complete the process automatically. There are certain qualities that make for a good drop shipping product, including uniqueness, the shipping time of the product from the drop shipper and more. Get involved with affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing is widely popular because it allows for the possibility of almost 100% passive income. Affiliate marketing involves selling a range of products for different companies, and you are paid on a commission basis. There is no buying and storing products, you don’t handle the packaging or shipping, and, perhaps, best of all, you don’t have to deal with any customer issues. The start-up costs for an affiliate site include around $10 for web hosting, $10 to purchase a domain name, and $30 for a WordPress webpage theme (if you don’t want to use one of the free ones). People are making anywhere from $50 to $100,000 per month off of affiliate sites, and was recently sold to the New York Times for $30 million USD. Affiliate sites are great for students because they don’t cost much to start up, don’t require a ton of time to run (unless you have the time to create content that is going to optimize you for SEO and increase your chances of more income), and if it doesn’t end up taking off, you only invested $20-$50 at the end of the day. Etsy stores If you love arts and crafts, or anything vintage, and, more importantly, if you have a particular skill making things that fall into any of these categories, then an Etsy store could be both fulfilling and a money-maker for you. People sell all kinds of handcrafted, personalized items on Etsy. If you are good with wood, handcrafting jewellery, embroidery, drawing or painting designs on things like mugs, pillows, and greeting cards, there are markets out there for all these things, and people are willing to pay top dollar for quality products. Etsy success stories are abound, with companies like ThreeBirdNest and Bohemian Findings starting from nothing and, over time, becoming businesses with hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in revenue. If you are passionate about something, have sold handmade items to people in the past (friends, relatives, even been commissioned by strangers), and you know people like your stuff, you might consider turning your pad into a makeshift studio, workshop, etc. (provided your landlord allows you) and starting up an Etsy business to help with the bills. Writing your business plan Before beginning any venture, even one you don’t have to sink a ton of money into, you should always come at it with a plan of attack. An online business at university is going to take up some of your time, and you want to maximize the chances that your time is not going to be wasted. Knowing who your customers are, how much you are going to charge for something, having an idea of the size of the market, and understanding your advertising and marketing strategies are all important components of a business plan, and could be the difference between success and abject failure. Professional writing services like Homework Help Global don’t only specialize in Academic writing, they also provide online business plan writing services, and can help you come up with a high quality business plan that sets you up for success. Having a critical and objective third party look over an existing plan, or help you come up with an original document, will provide you with a roadmap to success, and ensure your online business is a targeted, calculated effort, and not just a shot in the dark. Starting an online business is not something that simply happens over night. If working while you study is non-negotiable for you, you may need to take a paying job while you build a clientele and wait for your online business to take off. With time, dedication, and a good idea, you could potentially run a business right from your computer that allows you a passive income, allows you to pursue something you are interested in, and provides you with a creative outlet, alleviating some of your financial concerns while in school. If you require help putting together and executing a business plan for an online business at university, get in touch with Homework Help Global and let us design something that will jumpstart your entrepreneurial career. References: (2017). “Etsy Success Stories The Richest and Most Popular of 2017.” Easy ERP. Retrieved from: Edmondson, B. (2018). “5 Online Businesses you can Start With no Money.” The Balance Small Business. Retrieved from: start-online-business-with-no-money-4128823 Edmondson, B. (2018). “5 Things to Look for in the Perfect Drop Shipping Product.” The Balance Small Business. Retrieved from: what-to-look-for-in-the-perfect-drop-shipping-product-4163537 Starting an Online Business at School Tips for Starting an Online Business at University Tips for Starting an Online Business at University Starting an online business during university can end up not only helping you pay the bills, but also provide you with valuable business experience that translates into future employment and economic opportunities. Why start an online business at university? There are also a number of online ventures that require, surprisingly, minimal startup funds, and which you can conduct fairly hassle-free from a coffee shop, your dorm room, or anywhere that’s comfortable. Below are some tips and ideas for starting and managing an online business while you are studying. The drop shipping business model Drop shipping is a form of business that allows you to sell directly to customers without having to maintain a large (or any) inventory, or needing to coordinate delivery to anyone. This allows you to sell, and keep an online store without taking on any of the risk involved in keeping a warehouse (and paying for storage space). The point of drop shipping is being able to sell without having to warehouse or manufacture anything. To begin drop shipping items, you work with a company that specializes in this form of selling and warehousing. To do this, you list products for sale, either on your website, or through a platform like Amazon or Etsy. When a visitor to your website or Amazon page decides to make a purchase, you purchase that item from your drop shipper (typically a wholesaler or manufacturer) for a lower price, and the difference is your profit. You can either manually forward an order form to your drop seller, or download software and plugins that complete the process automatically. There are certain qualities that make for a good drop shipping product, including uniqueness, the shipping time of the product from the drop shipper and more. Get involved with affiliate marketing Affiliate marketing is widely popular because it allows for the possibility of almost 100% passive income. Affiliate marketing involves selling a range of products for different companies, and you are paid on a commission basis. There is no buying and storing products, you don’t handle the packaging or shipping, and, perhaps, best of all, you don’t have to deal with any customer issues. The start-up costs for an affiliate site include around $10 for web hosting, $10 to purchase a domain name, and $30 for a WordPress webpage theme (if you don’t want to use one of the free ones). People are making anywhere from $50 to $100,000 per month off of affiliate sites, and was recently sold to the New York Times for $30 million USD. Affiliate sites are great for students because they don’t cost much to start up, don’t require a ton of time to run (unless you have the time to create content that is going to optimize you for SEO and increase your chances of more income), and if it doesn’t end up taking off, you only invested $20-$50 at the end of the day. Etsy stores If you love arts and crafts, or anything vintage, and, more importantly, if you have a particular skill making things that fall into any of these categories, then an Etsy store could be both fulfilling and a money-maker for you. People sell all kinds of handcrafted, personalized items on Etsy. If you are good with wood, handcrafting jewellery, embroidery, drawing or painting designs on things like mugs, pillows, and greeting cards, there are markets out there for all these things, and people are willing to pay top dollar for quality products. Etsy success stories are abound, with companies like ThreeBirdNest and Bohemian Findings starting from nothing and, over time, becoming businesses with hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in revenue. If you are passionate about something, have sold handmade items to people in the past (friends, relatives, even been commissioned by strangers), and you know people like your stuff, you might consider turning your pad into a makeshift studio, workshop, etc. (provided your landlord allows you) and starting up an Etsy business to help with the bills. Writing your business plan Before beginning any venture, even one you don’t have to sink a ton of money into, you should always come at it with a plan of attack. An online business at university is going to take up some of your time, and you want to maximize the chances that your time is not going to be wasted. Knowing who your customers are, how much you are going to charge for something, having an idea of the size of the market, and understanding your advertising and marketing strategies are all important components of a business plan, and could be the difference between success and abject failure. Professional writing services like Homework Help Global don’t only specialize in Academic writing, they also provide online business plan writing services, and can help you come up with a high quality business plan that sets you up for success. Having a critical and objective third party look over an existing plan, or help you come up with an original document, will provide you with a roadmap to success, and ensure your online business is a targeted, calculated effort, and not just a shot in the dark. Starting an online business is not something that simply happens over night. If working while you study is non-negotiable for you, you may need to take a paying job while you build a clientele and wait for your online business to take off. With time, dedication, and a good idea, you could potentially run a business right from your computer that allows you a passive income, allows you to pursue something you are interested in, and provides you with a creative outlet, alleviating some of your financial concerns while in school. If you require help putting together and executing a business plan for an online business at university, get in touch with Homework Help Global and let us design something that will jumpstart your entrepreneurial career. References: (2017). “Etsy Success Stories The Richest and Most Popular of 2017.” Easy ERP. Retrieved from: Edmondson, B. (2018). “5 Online Businesses you can Start With no Money.” The Balance Small Business. Retrieved from: start-online-business-with-no-money-4128823 Edmondson, B. (2018). “5 Things to Look for in the Perfect Drop Shipping Product.” The Balance Small Business. Retrieved from: what-to-look-for-in-the-perfect-drop-shipping-product-4163537

Friday, May 22, 2020

E Tracking A Single Track Charter Essay - 1943 Words

De-Tracking: A Single Track Charter In order to be deemed â€Å"successful† in today’s society one must attain a college degree, but problems arise with opportunities in obtaining that degree due to access or the ability to complete higher education. These problems stem from many social and economic inequalities that can make it extremely difficult to access these skills or resources. A problem that can lead to inequality in access to higher education is the implication of tracking in major academic subjects in 6-12th grade. Tracking is the process by which students are divided into categories, or achievement groups so that they can be assigned to various types of classes that supposedly suit their needs, based on their ability through past performances or IQ tests (Oakes, 1985). Tracking began in the early 1900’s when social and economic impacts influenced schooling to be less focused on all students’ academic capability and more focused on the schools role as preparation for the workforce. This social and economic turn was pushed by a population increase between 1880 and 1918 that increased student enrollment by 700% across the United States. (Oakes, 1985) During that time junior high and high school students were assigned to academic, general, or vocational tracks. The students deemed high achieving and capable were being groomed for college to become the doctors and engineers, while the others were being prepared to enter trades or apprenticeships in things such asShow MoreRelatedEssay on Applicant Tracking System 4335 Words   |  18 PagesApplicant Tracking System (ATS) Initial / Project Charter Copyright  © 2001, 2002 Ford Motor Company (U.S. and international notice, and original material was added in each indicated year.) 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Friday, May 8, 2020

Functionalism and Marxism. A Critical Evaluation Essay

Functionalism and Marxism. A Critical Evaluation During the 18th and 19th centuries, political and industrial revolutions coupled with a philosophical movement which promoted a new scientific way of thinking (`The Enlightenment), heralded the advent of several new scientific disciplines. These social sciences attempted to explain the rapid and fundamental changes which were shattering traditional ways of life in Britain and Europe. Sociology emerged as one of these innovative areas and sought to analyse the nature of society and the complexities within it using collective theories and perspectives. The construction of a sociological perspective can best be illustrated by the application of several fundamental questions, the responses†¦show more content†¦Functionalists seem to suggest that societies have rules of behaviour prior to the existence of its members, therefore leaving the enigma of who decides the functional characteristics of a society if its not the members themselves. This is a problem called reification. Fun ctionalists treat society as a thing by endowing it with the ability to think and act intentionally. The analogous comparison by which the operation of society and the functions of the social institutions is likened to a biological organism, illustrates the idea that all parts of society have their function and are interdependent on each other for the good of society as a whole. Sickness in the living organism would be likened to a loss of social equilibrium, an abnormal state for a society that is normally in balance. Functionalists believe that the balance is achieved through a consensus- the majority of people in society having the same moral values. Marxism however has contradictory views and rejects the idea that society is based on value consensus for the benefit of all. Instead society is acknowledged as being organised to meet the interests of the most powerful groups. The ideas of Karl Marx (1818-1883) suggested that society functions on the basis of continual class conflict, except ironically in times of war. He viewed the economic system as the foundation of society. This infrastructure effects all other areas of society, which are collectively termed as theShow MoreRelatedOutline and Assess the View That Vocational Education Simply Trains Workers for Exploitation.1119 Words   |  5 Pageseducation simply trains workers for exploitation. [50] The idea that vocational education allows workers to be exploited is a view held by Marxism. Vocational education is that which gets an individual ready for the workplace, either through a course directly complimenting a skill, like hairdressing, or that which has a broader area of learning. Whilst functionalism sees a great system underlying vocational education, Marxists have a more cynical view of the idea. 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Philosophy’s aim is to question beliefs and opinions in the social science disciplines but also these disciplines can be politically innocent and neutral institutions by not favouring any particular practices orRead Morecrime and deviance4817 Words   |  20 Pagesvictimology, critical victimology, victim as a social construct. However, not all of these are necessary, even for full marks. Analysis and/or evaluation will be relevant and explicit. Sources may include: Newburn and Rock; Wolfgang; Mawby and Walklate; Tombs and Whyte; Bowling and Phillips. Assess the usefulness of subcultural theories in explaining ‘subcultural crime and deviance’ in society today. (21 marks) In this band, interpretation, application, analysis and evaluation will be explicitRead MoreTracing Theoretical Approaches to Crime and Social Control: from Functionalism to Postmodernism16559 Words   |  67 Pages.............................................................................. 1-5 Introductory information CHAPTER 2 ....................................................................................................................... 6 FUNCTIONALISM, ANOMIE, AND STRAIN THEORY ........................................................ 6-25 Strain theory ............................................................................................................... 12 Merton‘s Anomie (strain)Read MoreTraditional African Family19679 Words   |  79 Pagessocieties interactionism interaction looking glass self negotiation postmodernism objective measures phenomenology value-free critical social scientists  © 2004, HarperCollinsPublishers Limited learned behaviour society norms positive and negative sanctions ascribed status premodern societies non-industrial civilizations industrialism urbanism modernity functionalism social order Marxism infrastructure eans of production ruling-class ideology feminism malestream macro-theories self-concept construction ofRead MoreSociology A2 Revision 2012 34479 Words   |  18 Pagesthis occasion you are asked to use Item C in your answer, you must do this, to get the full 18 marks. You get 6 marks for AO1 skills, and 12 marks for AO2 skills. So, weight your answers much more heavily in terms of Analysis, Interpretation, Evaluation and Application. To get full marks for this question, you have to successfully interpret material and apply it to answering the question, and explicitly refer back to the question, make it clear how your discussion is answering the question. ItRead MoreIgnou Eso-11 Free Solved Assignment 20124877 Words   |  20 Pagesand better amenities and living conditions of individuals. Also it gave birth to a spirit of inquiry in the minds of Indian intellectuals who came in contact with western education. Both the social reformists and the conservatives took a fresh and critical look at their own society and culture as a reaction to western interpretation of the same. ================================================================= 4. Is the meaning of family changing in contemporary modern societies? Discuss. 12 Solution:Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 PagesUniversity, UK This new textbook usefully situates organization theory within the scholarly debates on modernism and postmodernism, and provides an advanced introduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis. Like all good textbooks, the book is accessible, well researched and readers are encouraged to view chapters as a starting point for getting to grips with the field of organization theory. Dr Martin Brigham, Lancaster University

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comm 287 Study Guide Free Essays

string(169) " realworld burdens of stores and product manufacturing, these brands are free to soar, less as the disseminators of goods or services than as collective hallucinations\." COMM 287 ADVERTSING AS SOCIAL COMMUNICATION STUDY GUIDE 1 Questions for â€Å"New Branded World† by Naomi Klein â€Å"On Advertising: Sut Jhally vs. James Twitchell† â€Å"Advertising as Religion† by Sut Jhally Film: No Logo Film: The Diamond Empire Naomi Klein: New Branded World 1. What idea was the gospel of the machine age? Bolstering ones brand name was important 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Comm 287 Study Guide or any similar topic only for you Order Now What consensus emerged about corporations in the 1980’s? Corporations were bloated, oversized, owned too much, employed too many people, and were weighed down with too many things 3. What race were new companies such as Nike and Microsoft competing in? A race to own the least and employ the fewest people rivaling the traditional all American manufacturers’ for market share. hey claimed that producing goods was only part of their operations 4. What tools and materials are needed for creating a brand? brand extensions, continuously renewed imagery for marketing and, most of all, fresh new spaces to disseminate the brand’s idea of itself 5. What is the difference between the brand and the advertisement? Advertising any given product is only one part of branding’s grand plan, as are sponsorship and logo licensing. Think of the brand as the core meaning of the modem corporation, and of the advertisement as one vehicle used to convey that meaning to the world. 6. What was the first function of branding? The first task of branding was to bestow proper names on generic goods such as sugar, flour, soap and cereal 7. According to adman Bruce Barton what was the role of advertising? In 1923 Barton said that the role of advertising was to help corporations find their soul. The son of a preacher, he drew on his religious upbringing for plifting messages: â€Å"I like to think of advertising as something big, something splendid, something which goes deep down into an institution and gets hold of the soul of it. †¦ Institutions have souls, just as men and nations have souls† 8. Where did the search for the true meaning of the brand take the agencies? The search for the true meaning of brands – or the â€Å"brand essence,† as it is often called – gradually took the agencie s away from individual products and their attributes and toward a psychological/anthropological examination of what brands mean to the culture and to people’s lives. 9. Why was the purchase of Kraft by Phillip Morris spectacular news for the ad world? This was spectacular news for the ad world, which was now able to make the claim that advertising spending was more than just a sales strategy: it was an investment in cold hard equity. The more you spend, the more your company is worth. 10. What did the radical shift in corporate philosophy towards the value of branding send manufactures to engage in? Increased advertising 11. What does David Lubars call consumers? David Lubars, a senior ad executive in the Omnicom Group, explains the industry’s guiding principle with more candor than most. Consumers, he says, â€Å"are like roaches – you spray them and spray them and they get immune after a while. † 12. What is the â€Å"experiential communication† industry? A $30 billion bill industry. It is the staging of such branded pieces of corporate performance art and more. (ads on park benches, sidewalks, phone calls) 13. What happened on â€Å"Marlboro Friday†? it refers to a sudden announcement from Philip Morris that it would slash the price of Marlboro cigarettes by 20 percent in an attempt to compete with bargain brands that were eating into its market. 14. What was â€Å"Marlboro Friday† a culmination of? it was the culmination of years of escalating anxiety in the face of some rather dramatic shifts in consumer habits that were seen to be eroding the market share of household-name brands, from Tide to Kraft. 15. What happened to corporate strategy as a result of the bargain craze of the early nineties? Advertising spending went down. Many decided to put their money into promotions such as giveaways, contests, in-store displays and (like Marlboro) price reductions The bargain craze of the early nineties shook the name brands to their core. Suddenly it seemed smarter to put resources into price reductions and other incentives than into fabulously expensive ad campaigns. 16. According to the agencies what would competing on the basis of real value lead to? Stooping to compete on the basis of real value, the agencies ominously warned, would spell not just the death of the brand, but corporate death as well. 17. How did companies such as Coke, Pepsi, McDonald’s, Burger King and Disney respond to the brand crisis? And when the brands crashed, these companies didn’t even notice – they were branded to the bone. They always understood that they were selling brands before product. They had their eyes fixed on global expansion. 18. How did The Body Shop and Starbucks foster powerful brand identities? What the success of both the Body Shop and Starbucks showed was how far the branding project had come in moving beyond splashing one’s logo on a billboard. Here were two companies that had fostered powerful identities by making their brand concept into a virus and sending it out into the culture via a variety of channels: cultural sponsorship, political controversy, the consumer experience and brand extensions. 19. According to Scott Bedbury what must brands establish? Emotional ties because there’s no difference between products 20. What is the difference between advertising and branding? Advertising is about hawking product. Branding, in its truest and most advanced incarnations, is about corporate transcendence. 21. What was the new consensus that developed as a result of the success of the brand builders? The brand builders conquered and a new consensus was born: the products that will flourish in the future will be the ones presented not as â€Å"commodities† but as concepts: the brand as experience, as lifestyle. 22. How do brands present themselves on-line? It is on-line that the purest brands are being built: liberated from the realworld burdens of stores and product manufacturing, these brands are free to soar, less as the disseminators of goods or services than as collective hallucinations. You read "Comm 287 Study Guide" in category "Papers" . 23. How does Tom Peters separate types of companies? The top half – Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Disney, and so on – are pure ‘players’ in brainware. The bottom half [Ford and GM] are still lumpy-object purveyors, though automobiles are much ‘smarter’ than they used to be,† Peters writes in The Circle of Innovation (1997), an ode to the power of marketing over production. 24. In the new context how did ad agencies present themselves to their clients? 25. What does Phil Knight think Nike’s mission is? its mission is not to sell shoes but to â€Å"enhance people’s lives through sports and fitness† and to keep â€Å"the magic of sports alive. † 26. According to John Hegarty, what is Polaroid? â€Å"Polaroid’s problem,† diagnosed the chairman of its advertising agency, John Hegarty, â€Å"was that they kept thinking of themselves as a camera. But the ‘[brand] vision’ process taught us something: Polaroid is not a camera – it’s a social lubricant. † 27. How does Tibor Kalman sum up the shifting role of the brand? The original notion of the brand was quality, but now brand is a stylistic badge of courage. † 28. According to Richard Branson, what do you build brands around? The idea, he explains, is to â€Å"build brands not around products but around reputation. 29. What is Tommy Hilfiger in the business of? Tommy Hilfiger, meanwhile, is less in the business of manufacturing clothes than he is in the business of signing his name. The entire company is run through licensing agreements. 30. According to Paul Otellini, how is Intel like Coke? Paul S. Otellini, replied that lntel is â€Å"like Coke. One brand, many different products. † 31. According to Sam Hill, Jack McGrath and Sandeep Dayal what can also be branded? â€Å"Based on extensive research, we would argue that you can indeed brand not only sand, but also wheat, beef, brick, metals, concrete, chemicals, corn grits and an endless variety of commodities traditionally considered immune to the process. † â€Å"On Advertising† Sut Jhally vs James Twirchell 1. As a social scientist, what question is Jhally interested in? As a social scientist, I am interested in the question of determination– what structures the world and how we live in it. . What is Marx’s aphorism that Jhally works with? I work with Marx’s aphorism: philosophers help us understand the world, but the point is to change it. 3. What was Twitchell amazed by in terms of what his students knew? I was amazed by how little my students knew about literature compared to advertising. 4. What about the material world interest s Twitchell? I’m interested in why the material world has been so overlooked. Why has it been so denigrated? Why are we convinced that happiness can’t come from it? 5. Why is Jhally interested in advertising, coming out of the Marxist tradition? The reason I am interested in advertising, coming out of that tradition, is that advertising links those two things together. It allows us to speak about both the material world and the world of symbolism and culture. 6. What is Jhally’s view driven by? Political factors not moral ones 7. What according to Jhally, have advertisers realized since the 1920s? They’ve realized since the 1920s that things don’t make people happy, that what drives people is a social life. 8. Why doesn’t Jhally agree with Twitchell, when he (Twitchell) says that advertisers are delivering to people what they want? Advertisers are delivering images of what people say they want connected to the things advertisers sell. 9. What vision does Jhally see in advertising? A vision of socialism 10. Why does Twitchell think advertising excludes communal desires? because they are not as high on most people’s agendas as they are for those of us in our fifties. Maybe most people are not as interested in the things we say we are interested in such as family and community. Maybe they are more interested in individual happiness. 11. Why doesn’t Jhally think that we can accept that advertisers reflect people’s real needs and desires? Advertising dominates so much that it leaves little room for alternate vision 12. According to Jhally, where is the only place in the culture where there is still independent thinking going on? The academy (universities) 13. Why does Jhally think that students do not follow through on the politics they really believe in once they leave higher education? When they leave school, they have a lot of debt that they have to do whatever they can to make money. 14. Why does Jhally disagree with Twitchell’s claim that the media system reflects most people’s ideas and desires? It has to do with access, not ideas. Everything is dependent on ad revenues, rather than public service. 15. How do Jhally and Twitchell disagree when it comes to the question of power? Jhally: Power is coming from the outside in. As if these corporate interests are over there doing things to us. Twitchell: ads are the articulated will of consumers rather than the air pumped out by commercial interests. 16. Why does Twitchell think people buy diamonds when they know them to be worthless? The need to make ceremony, to fetishize moments of great anxiety 17. According to Jhally, what does the diamond example point to? It points to how ads work (by reaching to human needs) capitalism works because it talks about real needs that drive people. 18. According to Jhally what is real and false about advertising? Real: its appeals False: the answers it provides to those appeals 19. According to Jhally, why is happiness a zero-sum game? Because although things are connected to happiness, it is always in a relative state ( in terms of what other people also have at that time. 20. What does Marx say about people making history â€Å"people make their own history/meaning, but not in conditions of their own choosing† 1. According to Jhally, what happens when you look at only one side of Marx’s aphorism on making history? You get a distorted view 22. According to Jhally, why did the Soviet Union fall apart? No one believed in it. They could see images of an alternative coming out of the west. 23. Why does Twitchell think advertising is not a trick? Because he sees trickery not as them pulling a tr ick on us but us actively collaborating in the process 24. What is Twitchell’s view of morality in advertising? It doesn’t figure into it. Ad has 1 moral value: Buy Stuff. Billboards ( immoral. The application of moral concerns to ads is feckless. 25. According to Jhally, what is the last way you should evaluate advertising? Whether advertising is telling the truth or not. There is nothing to evaluate in ads. 26. What does Twitchell think people are after in advertising? These patterns that have to so with belonging, with ordering, with making sense 27. How does Twitchell answer the question of whether advertising is art? Art is whatever he says it is. Art= what people who teach literature, art, run galleries, edit magazines say it is. 28. Where does Twitchell see power emanating from in religion? The congregation behind the pulpit (supermarket arises) Sut Jhally â€Å"Advertising as Religion: The Dialectic of Technology and Magic† 1. What secret did capitalism discover that previous modes of production had not? (p. 218) capitalism discovered the â€Å"secret† of material production and proceeded to install it as its central and defining activity 2. In older non-market societies how could we characterize people’s relationships with goods? (p. 219) A much more direct connection between the 2. people produced the goods the consumed for the most part. . What feature of goods did Marx recognize and install into his methodological framework? (p. 219) Goods are communicators of social relations 4. Why did Marx start his analysis with the Commodity? (p. 219) Because if one could understand how the community was produced, exchanged and consumed, then one would have the basis of an understanding of the enti re system of capitalist relations 5. What happens to the real meaning of goods in capitalist production and consumption? (p. 220) 6. What does T. Jackson Lears argue about the early years of the 20th century (p. 220) That â€Å"feeling† replaced information . What had happened to the quest for health by the 20th century (p. 220) It had become almost entirely a secular process -advertisers picked up on these exploited emotional needs 8. How does advertising resemble the therapeutic world? (p. 221) All overarching structures of meaning had collapsed 9. In the consumer society what takes over the functions of traditional culture? (p. 221) The market place and consumption 10. What is the function of advertising with regard to the relation between object and producer? (p. 221) To refill the emptied commodity with meaning –ads ( initial emptying out 11. In the stage of Idolatry how does the consumer society respond to the appearance of the â€Å"immense collection of commodities† (p. 222) Celebratory mode: celebrate the great productive capacities of industrial society as reflected in products 12. What are the early stages of national advertising characterized by? (p. 222) Products are dominant/transcendent/ awesome 13. What strategy did advertisers use to call forth a religious experience with objects? (p. 223) -visual cliches: vague forms of sacred symbolism -transformed products into a surrogate trigger 14. How does advertising develop in the stage of Iconology? (p. 23) -moves from the worship of commodities to their meaning within a social context. Products + People = embodiment of social values ( ads are meaning-bared 15. In the stage of Narcissism how is the power of the product predominantly manifested? (p. 223-4) Through the strategy of â€Å"Black Magic† people undergo physical transformations or the commodity can be used to entrance/enrapture other ppl. 16. In the stage of Totemism, what do goods take the place of? (p. 224) Natural species 17. In the contemporary marketplace how is the person-object relationship articulated? (p. 224) Psychologically, physically, socially 8. How does advertising reflect the world that Marx described as characteristic of capitalism? (p. 224) A place of magic and fetishism ( goods are autonomous, they are in relationships with each other and where they appear in â€Å"fantastic forms† (with humans) 19. What is the real function of advertising if not to give people information? (p. 225) To make people feel good 20. What is advertising a secular version of and why? (p. 225) God. They can â€Å"satisfy† us and â€Å"justify† our choices 21. What two gospels does John Kavanaugh identify? (p. 226) Commodity form Personal form 22. At what level does advertising as a religion operate? (p. 226) Mundane, everyday level 23. What kind of religion can advertising be compared to? (p. 227) 19th century west Africa tribes ( Fetishism 24. According to Raymond Williams, what choice does modern advertising obscure? (p. 228) The choice between man as consumer and man as user 25. In the world of advertising the spirits of what invade the commodity and supply its power? (p. 229) The spirits of technology Film: No Logo 1. What did the new political movement identified by Klein in the mid 1990s take issue with? The growing power of multinational corps . What fundamental shift in marketing thought is reflected by â€Å"lifestyle branding†? Management babble ( if companies wanted success, their true product was their idea, not products 3. What does this fundamental shift explain? New forms of marketing, assault on public sphere, less choice -hearing more about the quality of work 4. What was the function of the first bran ds? Comfort and personal relationships 5. What does Klein mean by â€Å"brand tribes† Sell lifestyles ( ex. â€Å"nike type of person† 6. What idea did Coke sell in the 60s? Peace and love, youth and lifestyle 7. What did Disney sell? The American Dream 8. What does Nike sell? The nature of sport, athletic ability of star athletes 9. How does the new marketing approach differ from the old one? NEW: goes out into the culture and actually sees where people are using products 10. What is distinctive about the town Celebration? Created by Disney ( reps the American Dream Worlds first branded town ( no brands there 11. How does the colonization of public space pose a fundamental threat to democracy? No choice anymore ( ads are EVERYWHERE –lost the idea of the public 12. How are shopping malls a striking example of this danger? They are private but designed to mimic a town square 3. What is different about the contemporary power of corporations than previously? -corps are on private property ( no freedom of speech and expression – they decide what to put in their stores ( they decide who makes money 14. How does Walmart’s â€Å"family values† brand identity clash with free speech? Lyrics, pics on magazines, etc. ( don’t fit their image 15. What do companies now see as their primary role? Producing brands and image meaning (logos) 16. How does a Nike sneaker get produced and by whom? Broker in hong kong send them to factories and contractors to find the cheapest place 17. What is the â€Å"Nike paradigm†? Finding cheapest places for the production and paying low wages 18. How are wages kept low by companies? Tightly controlling a work force (no unions) 19. What are export processing zones? Industrial parks (produces goods for our exploits) 20. Why is the work force in free trade zones largely young and female? They come from provinces and women are easier to control 21. What contradicts the much heralded claim that globalization will lead to development in poor countries? Labor is cheaper out east and they pay very little 22. How is the Nike example a case study in worker abuse? Countries began competing to see who could abuse their workers more 23. When companies decide to build the brand, what is at the cost of? Company sells off factories 24. How are American and European workers casualties of globalization and the Nike paradigm? People who had steady jobs lost them 25. What are McJobs? People who sell products for mega jobs, not real ones 26. Who are the two biggest employers in the U. S. Wal-mart and man power 27. How can a shoe tell the story of globalization It was produces all over the world 28. What are brand-based investigative activities? Campaigns look behind the brand to see how products are produced 29. What have become the most visible targets of globalization? Brands produced globally (china, korea, etc) 30. What is the line of riot cops guarding a McDonalds or a Starbucks symbolic of? They’re guarding the â€Å"entry point to globalization† 31. How can you shop ethically in this context? Support businesses that are ethical, buy in bulk as a school m become apart of the global movement 32. If you keep following the logos, where do you end up? Doorstep of the institutions that are writing the rules of global trade 33. What is being articulated by the street protests outside the meetings of the global financial institutions ? Reclaiming the public ( â€Å"the world isn’t for sale† 34. What forms can anti-corporate activism take? Culture jamming, ad busting (climbing on a billboard) Questions on film: THE DIAMOND EMPIRE 1. What did Edward Epstein discover is the real business of the diamond industry? RESTRICTING what people knew/got 2. Why can’t DeBeers operate legally in the United States? Because it is a monopoly 3. According to Thomas Helsby, what makes the diamond cartel different from other cartels? It is controlled by a single company (which is owned by Anglo-Americans which is owned by DeBeers) Interlocking ownership 4. What makes DeBeers monopoly of diamonds an astonishing feat? Supply of diamonds is plentiful and abundant 5. What threat did Ernest Oppenheimer make to become Chairman of DeBeers? He would flood the world market with diamonds 6. What did a DeBeers mining engineer warn of in 1930? The diamond monopoly is dependent on the fact that the general public believes diamonds are rare 7. What was the simplest answer to the potential threat posed by small diamond mines? To buy them out 8. How does Foudad Kamil describe the operation that he ran for DeBeers when investigating unlicensed diamond dealing and smuggling Terrorist groups, black market. Broke the law, beatings, punishments, kidnapped, took them as prisoners. Buying offices in jungles 9. The rise of what presented a new challenge to the diamond cartel? The rise of African Nationalism (1960) 10. What did DeBeers do when Mobutu Sese Seke emerged as the dictator of Zaire? Send in American businessman, Templesman. Attempt to mend relations with Mobutu regime. 11. What term is used to describe how the Mobutu regime operated in regard to atural resources such as diamonds? Cliptocracy ( organizing principle is one of theft 12. What did Debeers do to keep diamonds from Angola from flooding the market and depressing prices? Spent $1/2 billion†¦regulated diamond mining 13. According to Edward Epstein, what is DeBeers objective when mines are discovered in â€Å"inconvenient† places? Prevent mines from being developed that are outside their control and come up with ways to prevent these diamonds from reaching the market. 14. What is Ernest Oppenheimer alleged to have done in regards to the diamond mine in Murfreesboro in Arkansas? Illegally influenced the closing of the mine to keep diamonds off the market 15. What was DeBeers response when American strategists wanted industrial diamonds during the Second World War for the production of weapons? DeBeers hesitated ( they denied US free access to industrial diamonds 16. Who was DeBeers alleged to have supplied diamonds to during the Second World War? Hitler , Germany 17. What did an investigation by the Justice Department conclude about the DeBeers actions with regard to the industrial diamonds it did provide to the Unites States during the war? DeBeers overcharged US 18. What did DeBeers wartime advertising appeal to? American Patriotism ( Paid for mining which produces diamonds we need to win war 19. According to Edward Epstein, what was the major way that DeBeers wanted diamonds to be introduced when scenes were written into the movies? In a way that was considered favorable ( man had to surprise woman and present her with a diamond 20. What did the British royal family become in regards to DeBeers? Sales agents 21. What fear did the slogan â€Å"a diamond is forever† arise out of? Fear that sales would be cut if second hand jewelry was put out in the market 22. According to DeBeers message to its dealers, what is its goal? Convince consumer to buy diamonds for every romantic milestone (cultural imperative) 23. How did DeBeers respond to the discovery of diamond mines in Siberia? did business with Russians 24. What does Thomas Helsby think is amusing about the eternity ring? Filled with stones from Siberia 25. Who comprises a significant part of the Indian labor pool that cuts small diamonds? 750,000 cutters 100,000 children under 13 26. What have Indian diamonds made possible? Low price jewelry 27. How did DeBeers respond to the discovery of a diamond mine in Australia? Mobilized threatened to reduce prices 28. According to Walter Adams, what does the Sherman Act say? As long as you have enough competitors and act independently public interest will be protected. 29. According to DeBeers executives, what is the easiest airport in the United States to use if you need to leave the country when a subpoena is issued? Chicago O’Hara’s Airport 30. According to Edward Russell what did his boss at GE tell him about competing with DeBeers in the gem market? We won’ t compete with DeBeers 31. What evidence does Edward Russell give for his belief that GE is involved in a cartel with DeBeers? After he was terminated, identical price increase was implemented 32. While Harry Oppenheimer has criticized the apartheid system in South Africa, why does Duncan Hines think he is not being genuine? He claims he opposes the apartheid system, but yet he makes money from it 33. How did DeBeers create a mining workforce from black people living on the land? Unskilled workers ( they forced them off the land by enforcing taxes the black people didn’t have cash so they had to work in mines to pay the taxes 34. What are working conditions like for the miners in South Africa? Long hours, not much to eat, harsh weather conditions 5. How did the revulsion of the world to the brutality of apartheid contribute to the growth of the Oppenheimers’ power within South Africa? Investors withdrew investments, international companies in South Africa got out of the country 36. What may be the cartel’s greatest accomplishment? Transformed the illusion that diamonds are valuable into a reality 37. Why is the diamond deception not a one-person play? Deceiver and deceived . The person who is deceived plays a part in the deception as well. It’s future rests in all of the people who believe its myths and carry on the value. How to cite Comm 287 Study Guide, Papers

Comm 287 Study Guide Free Essays

string(169) " realworld burdens of stores and product manufacturing, these brands are free to soar, less as the disseminators of goods or services than as collective hallucinations\." COMM 287 ADVERTSING AS SOCIAL COMMUNICATION STUDY GUIDE 1 Questions for â€Å"New Branded World† by Naomi Klein â€Å"On Advertising: Sut Jhally vs. James Twitchell† â€Å"Advertising as Religion† by Sut Jhally Film: No Logo Film: The Diamond Empire Naomi Klein: New Branded World 1. What idea was the gospel of the machine age? Bolstering ones brand name was important 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Comm 287 Study Guide or any similar topic only for you Order Now What consensus emerged about corporations in the 1980’s? Corporations were bloated, oversized, owned too much, employed too many people, and were weighed down with too many things 3. What race were new companies such as Nike and Microsoft competing in? A race to own the least and employ the fewest people rivaling the traditional all American manufacturers’ for market share. hey claimed that producing goods was only part of their operations 4. What tools and materials are needed for creating a brand? brand extensions, continuously renewed imagery for marketing and, most of all, fresh new spaces to disseminate the brand’s idea of itself 5. What is the difference between the brand and the advertisement? Advertising any given product is only one part of branding’s grand plan, as are sponsorship and logo licensing. Think of the brand as the core meaning of the modem corporation, and of the advertisement as one vehicle used to convey that meaning to the world. 6. What was the first function of branding? The first task of branding was to bestow proper names on generic goods such as sugar, flour, soap and cereal 7. According to adman Bruce Barton what was the role of advertising? In 1923 Barton said that the role of advertising was to help corporations find their soul. The son of a preacher, he drew on his religious upbringing for plifting messages: â€Å"I like to think of advertising as something big, something splendid, something which goes deep down into an institution and gets hold of the soul of it. †¦ Institutions have souls, just as men and nations have souls† 8. Where did the search for the true meaning of the brand take the agencies? The search for the true meaning of brands – or the â€Å"brand essence,† as it is often called – gradually took the agencie s away from individual products and their attributes and toward a psychological/anthropological examination of what brands mean to the culture and to people’s lives. 9. Why was the purchase of Kraft by Phillip Morris spectacular news for the ad world? This was spectacular news for the ad world, which was now able to make the claim that advertising spending was more than just a sales strategy: it was an investment in cold hard equity. The more you spend, the more your company is worth. 10. What did the radical shift in corporate philosophy towards the value of branding send manufactures to engage in? Increased advertising 11. What does David Lubars call consumers? David Lubars, a senior ad executive in the Omnicom Group, explains the industry’s guiding principle with more candor than most. Consumers, he says, â€Å"are like roaches – you spray them and spray them and they get immune after a while. † 12. What is the â€Å"experiential communication† industry? A $30 billion bill industry. It is the staging of such branded pieces of corporate performance art and more. (ads on park benches, sidewalks, phone calls) 13. What happened on â€Å"Marlboro Friday†? it refers to a sudden announcement from Philip Morris that it would slash the price of Marlboro cigarettes by 20 percent in an attempt to compete with bargain brands that were eating into its market. 14. What was â€Å"Marlboro Friday† a culmination of? it was the culmination of years of escalating anxiety in the face of some rather dramatic shifts in consumer habits that were seen to be eroding the market share of household-name brands, from Tide to Kraft. 15. What happened to corporate strategy as a result of the bargain craze of the early nineties? Advertising spending went down. Many decided to put their money into promotions such as giveaways, contests, in-store displays and (like Marlboro) price reductions The bargain craze of the early nineties shook the name brands to their core. Suddenly it seemed smarter to put resources into price reductions and other incentives than into fabulously expensive ad campaigns. 16. According to the agencies what would competing on the basis of real value lead to? Stooping to compete on the basis of real value, the agencies ominously warned, would spell not just the death of the brand, but corporate death as well. 17. How did companies such as Coke, Pepsi, McDonald’s, Burger King and Disney respond to the brand crisis? And when the brands crashed, these companies didn’t even notice – they were branded to the bone. They always understood that they were selling brands before product. They had their eyes fixed on global expansion. 18. How did The Body Shop and Starbucks foster powerful brand identities? What the success of both the Body Shop and Starbucks showed was how far the branding project had come in moving beyond splashing one’s logo on a billboard. Here were two companies that had fostered powerful identities by making their brand concept into a virus and sending it out into the culture via a variety of channels: cultural sponsorship, political controversy, the consumer experience and brand extensions. 19. According to Scott Bedbury what must brands establish? Emotional ties because there’s no difference between products 20. What is the difference between advertising and branding? Advertising is about hawking product. Branding, in its truest and most advanced incarnations, is about corporate transcendence. 21. What was the new consensus that developed as a result of the success of the brand builders? The brand builders conquered and a new consensus was born: the products that will flourish in the future will be the ones presented not as â€Å"commodities† but as concepts: the brand as experience, as lifestyle. 22. How do brands present themselves on-line? It is on-line that the purest brands are being built: liberated from the realworld burdens of stores and product manufacturing, these brands are free to soar, less as the disseminators of goods or services than as collective hallucinations. You read "Comm 287 Study Guide" in category "Papers" . 23. How does Tom Peters separate types of companies? The top half – Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Disney, and so on – are pure ‘players’ in brainware. The bottom half [Ford and GM] are still lumpy-object purveyors, though automobiles are much ‘smarter’ than they used to be,† Peters writes in The Circle of Innovation (1997), an ode to the power of marketing over production. 24. In the new context how did ad agencies present themselves to their clients? 25. What does Phil Knight think Nike’s mission is? its mission is not to sell shoes but to â€Å"enhance people’s lives through sports and fitness† and to keep â€Å"the magic of sports alive. † 26. According to John Hegarty, what is Polaroid? â€Å"Polaroid’s problem,† diagnosed the chairman of its advertising agency, John Hegarty, â€Å"was that they kept thinking of themselves as a camera. But the ‘[brand] vision’ process taught us something: Polaroid is not a camera – it’s a social lubricant. † 27. How does Tibor Kalman sum up the shifting role of the brand? The original notion of the brand was quality, but now brand is a stylistic badge of courage. † 28. According to Richard Branson, what do you build brands around? The idea, he explains, is to â€Å"build brands not around products but around reputation. 29. What is Tommy Hilfiger in the business of? Tommy Hilfiger, meanwhile, is less in the business of manufacturing clothes than he is in the business of signing his name. The entire company is run through licensing agreements. 30. According to Paul Otellini, how is Intel like Coke? Paul S. Otellini, replied that lntel is â€Å"like Coke. One brand, many different products. † 31. According to Sam Hill, Jack McGrath and Sandeep Dayal what can also be branded? â€Å"Based on extensive research, we would argue that you can indeed brand not only sand, but also wheat, beef, brick, metals, concrete, chemicals, corn grits and an endless variety of commodities traditionally considered immune to the process. † â€Å"On Advertising† Sut Jhally vs James Twirchell 1. As a social scientist, what question is Jhally interested in? As a social scientist, I am interested in the question of determination– what structures the world and how we live in it. . What is Marx’s aphorism that Jhally works with? I work with Marx’s aphorism: philosophers help us understand the world, but the point is to change it. 3. What was Twitchell amazed by in terms of what his students knew? I was amazed by how little my students knew about literature compared to advertising. 4. What about the material world interest s Twitchell? I’m interested in why the material world has been so overlooked. Why has it been so denigrated? Why are we convinced that happiness can’t come from it? 5. Why is Jhally interested in advertising, coming out of the Marxist tradition? The reason I am interested in advertising, coming out of that tradition, is that advertising links those two things together. It allows us to speak about both the material world and the world of symbolism and culture. 6. What is Jhally’s view driven by? Political factors not moral ones 7. What according to Jhally, have advertisers realized since the 1920s? They’ve realized since the 1920s that things don’t make people happy, that what drives people is a social life. 8. Why doesn’t Jhally agree with Twitchell, when he (Twitchell) says that advertisers are delivering to people what they want? Advertisers are delivering images of what people say they want connected to the things advertisers sell. 9. What vision does Jhally see in advertising? A vision of socialism 10. Why does Twitchell think advertising excludes communal desires? because they are not as high on most people’s agendas as they are for those of us in our fifties. Maybe most people are not as interested in the things we say we are interested in such as family and community. Maybe they are more interested in individual happiness. 11. Why doesn’t Jhally think that we can accept that advertisers reflect people’s real needs and desires? Advertising dominates so much that it leaves little room for alternate vision 12. According to Jhally, where is the only place in the culture where there is still independent thinking going on? The academy (universities) 13. Why does Jhally think that students do not follow through on the politics they really believe in once they leave higher education? When they leave school, they have a lot of debt that they have to do whatever they can to make money. 14. Why does Jhally disagree with Twitchell’s claim that the media system reflects most people’s ideas and desires? It has to do with access, not ideas. Everything is dependent on ad revenues, rather than public service. 15. How do Jhally and Twitchell disagree when it comes to the question of power? Jhally: Power is coming from the outside in. As if these corporate interests are over there doing things to us. Twitchell: ads are the articulated will of consumers rather than the air pumped out by commercial interests. 16. Why does Twitchell think people buy diamonds when they know them to be worthless? The need to make ceremony, to fetishize moments of great anxiety 17. According to Jhally, what does the diamond example point to? It points to how ads work (by reaching to human needs) capitalism works because it talks about real needs that drive people. 18. According to Jhally what is real and false about advertising? Real: its appeals False: the answers it provides to those appeals 19. According to Jhally, why is happiness a zero-sum game? Because although things are connected to happiness, it is always in a relative state ( in terms of what other people also have at that time. 20. What does Marx say about people making history â€Å"people make their own history/meaning, but not in conditions of their own choosing† 1. According to Jhally, what happens when you look at only one side of Marx’s aphorism on making history? You get a distorted view 22. According to Jhally, why did the Soviet Union fall apart? No one believed in it. They could see images of an alternative coming out of the west. 23. Why does Twitchell think advertising is not a trick? Because he sees trickery not as them pulling a tr ick on us but us actively collaborating in the process 24. What is Twitchell’s view of morality in advertising? It doesn’t figure into it. Ad has 1 moral value: Buy Stuff. Billboards ( immoral. The application of moral concerns to ads is feckless. 25. According to Jhally, what is the last way you should evaluate advertising? Whether advertising is telling the truth or not. There is nothing to evaluate in ads. 26. What does Twitchell think people are after in advertising? These patterns that have to so with belonging, with ordering, with making sense 27. How does Twitchell answer the question of whether advertising is art? Art is whatever he says it is. Art= what people who teach literature, art, run galleries, edit magazines say it is. 28. Where does Twitchell see power emanating from in religion? The congregation behind the pulpit (supermarket arises) Sut Jhally â€Å"Advertising as Religion: The Dialectic of Technology and Magic† 1. What secret did capitalism discover that previous modes of production had not? (p. 218) capitalism discovered the â€Å"secret† of material production and proceeded to install it as its central and defining activity 2. In older non-market societies how could we characterize people’s relationships with goods? (p. 219) A much more direct connection between the 2. people produced the goods the consumed for the most part. . What feature of goods did Marx recognize and install into his methodological framework? (p. 219) Goods are communicators of social relations 4. Why did Marx start his analysis with the Commodity? (p. 219) Because if one could understand how the community was produced, exchanged and consumed, then one would have the basis of an understanding of the enti re system of capitalist relations 5. What happens to the real meaning of goods in capitalist production and consumption? (p. 220) 6. What does T. Jackson Lears argue about the early years of the 20th century (p. 220) That â€Å"feeling† replaced information . What had happened to the quest for health by the 20th century (p. 220) It had become almost entirely a secular process -advertisers picked up on these exploited emotional needs 8. How does advertising resemble the therapeutic world? (p. 221) All overarching structures of meaning had collapsed 9. In the consumer society what takes over the functions of traditional culture? (p. 221) The market place and consumption 10. What is the function of advertising with regard to the relation between object and producer? (p. 221) To refill the emptied commodity with meaning –ads ( initial emptying out 11. In the stage of Idolatry how does the consumer society respond to the appearance of the â€Å"immense collection of commodities† (p. 222) Celebratory mode: celebrate the great productive capacities of industrial society as reflected in products 12. What are the early stages of national advertising characterized by? (p. 222) Products are dominant/transcendent/ awesome 13. What strategy did advertisers use to call forth a religious experience with objects? (p. 223) -visual cliches: vague forms of sacred symbolism -transformed products into a surrogate trigger 14. How does advertising develop in the stage of Iconology? (p. 23) -moves from the worship of commodities to their meaning within a social context. Products + People = embodiment of social values ( ads are meaning-bared 15. In the stage of Narcissism how is the power of the product predominantly manifested? (p. 223-4) Through the strategy of â€Å"Black Magic† people undergo physical transformations or the commodity can be used to entrance/enrapture other ppl. 16. In the stage of Totemism, what do goods take the place of? (p. 224) Natural species 17. In the contemporary marketplace how is the person-object relationship articulated? (p. 224) Psychologically, physically, socially 8. How does advertising reflect the world that Marx described as characteristic of capitalism? (p. 224) A place of magic and fetishism ( goods are autonomous, they are in relationships with each other and where they appear in â€Å"fantastic forms† (with humans) 19. What is the real function of advertising if not to give people information? (p. 225) To make people feel good 20. What is advertising a secular version of and why? (p. 225) God. They can â€Å"satisfy† us and â€Å"justify† our choices 21. What two gospels does John Kavanaugh identify? (p. 226) Commodity form Personal form 22. At what level does advertising as a religion operate? (p. 226) Mundane, everyday level 23. What kind of religion can advertising be compared to? (p. 227) 19th century west Africa tribes ( Fetishism 24. According to Raymond Williams, what choice does modern advertising obscure? (p. 228) The choice between man as consumer and man as user 25. In the world of advertising the spirits of what invade the commodity and supply its power? (p. 229) The spirits of technology Film: No Logo 1. What did the new political movement identified by Klein in the mid 1990s take issue with? The growing power of multinational corps . What fundamental shift in marketing thought is reflected by â€Å"lifestyle branding†? Management babble ( if companies wanted success, their true product was their idea, not products 3. What does this fundamental shift explain? New forms of marketing, assault on public sphere, less choice -hearing more about the quality of work 4. What was the function of the first bran ds? Comfort and personal relationships 5. What does Klein mean by â€Å"brand tribes† Sell lifestyles ( ex. â€Å"nike type of person† 6. What idea did Coke sell in the 60s? Peace and love, youth and lifestyle 7. What did Disney sell? The American Dream 8. What does Nike sell? The nature of sport, athletic ability of star athletes 9. How does the new marketing approach differ from the old one? NEW: goes out into the culture and actually sees where people are using products 10. What is distinctive about the town Celebration? Created by Disney ( reps the American Dream Worlds first branded town ( no brands there 11. How does the colonization of public space pose a fundamental threat to democracy? No choice anymore ( ads are EVERYWHERE –lost the idea of the public 12. How are shopping malls a striking example of this danger? They are private but designed to mimic a town square 3. What is different about the contemporary power of corporations than previously? -corps are on private property ( no freedom of speech and expression – they decide what to put in their stores ( they decide who makes money 14. How does Walmart’s â€Å"family values† brand identity clash with free speech? Lyrics, pics on magazines, etc. ( don’t fit their image 15. What do companies now see as their primary role? Producing brands and image meaning (logos) 16. How does a Nike sneaker get produced and by whom? Broker in hong kong send them to factories and contractors to find the cheapest place 17. What is the â€Å"Nike paradigm†? Finding cheapest places for the production and paying low wages 18. How are wages kept low by companies? Tightly controlling a work force (no unions) 19. What are export processing zones? Industrial parks (produces goods for our exploits) 20. Why is the work force in free trade zones largely young and female? They come from provinces and women are easier to control 21. What contradicts the much heralded claim that globalization will lead to development in poor countries? Labor is cheaper out east and they pay very little 22. How is the Nike example a case study in worker abuse? Countries began competing to see who could abuse their workers more 23. When companies decide to build the brand, what is at the cost of? Company sells off factories 24. How are American and European workers casualties of globalization and the Nike paradigm? People who had steady jobs lost them 25. What are McJobs? People who sell products for mega jobs, not real ones 26. Who are the two biggest employers in the U. S. Wal-mart and man power 27. How can a shoe tell the story of globalization It was produces all over the world 28. What are brand-based investigative activities? Campaigns look behind the brand to see how products are produced 29. What have become the most visible targets of globalization? Brands produced globally (china, korea, etc) 30. What is the line of riot cops guarding a McDonalds or a Starbucks symbolic of? They’re guarding the â€Å"entry point to globalization† 31. How can you shop ethically in this context? Support businesses that are ethical, buy in bulk as a school m become apart of the global movement 32. If you keep following the logos, where do you end up? Doorstep of the institutions that are writing the rules of global trade 33. What is being articulated by the street protests outside the meetings of the global financial institutions ? Reclaiming the public ( â€Å"the world isn’t for sale† 34. What forms can anti-corporate activism take? Culture jamming, ad busting (climbing on a billboard) Questions on film: THE DIAMOND EMPIRE 1. What did Edward Epstein discover is the real business of the diamond industry? RESTRICTING what people knew/got 2. Why can’t DeBeers operate legally in the United States? Because it is a monopoly 3. According to Thomas Helsby, what makes the diamond cartel different from other cartels? It is controlled by a single company (which is owned by Anglo-Americans which is owned by DeBeers) Interlocking ownership 4. What makes DeBeers monopoly of diamonds an astonishing feat? Supply of diamonds is plentiful and abundant 5. What threat did Ernest Oppenheimer make to become Chairman of DeBeers? He would flood the world market with diamonds 6. What did a DeBeers mining engineer warn of in 1930? The diamond monopoly is dependent on the fact that the general public believes diamonds are rare 7. What was the simplest answer to the potential threat posed by small diamond mines? To buy them out 8. How does Foudad Kamil describe the operation that he ran for DeBeers when investigating unlicensed diamond dealing and smuggling Terrorist groups, black market. Broke the law, beatings, punishments, kidnapped, took them as prisoners. Buying offices in jungles 9. The rise of what presented a new challenge to the diamond cartel? The rise of African Nationalism (1960) 10. What did DeBeers do when Mobutu Sese Seke emerged as the dictator of Zaire? Send in American businessman, Templesman. Attempt to mend relations with Mobutu regime. 11. What term is used to describe how the Mobutu regime operated in regard to atural resources such as diamonds? Cliptocracy ( organizing principle is one of theft 12. What did Debeers do to keep diamonds from Angola from flooding the market and depressing prices? Spent $1/2 billion†¦regulated diamond mining 13. According to Edward Epstein, what is DeBeers objective when mines are discovered in â€Å"inconvenient† places? Prevent mines from being developed that are outside their control and come up with ways to prevent these diamonds from reaching the market. 14. What is Ernest Oppenheimer alleged to have done in regards to the diamond mine in Murfreesboro in Arkansas? Illegally influenced the closing of the mine to keep diamonds off the market 15. What was DeBeers response when American strategists wanted industrial diamonds during the Second World War for the production of weapons? DeBeers hesitated ( they denied US free access to industrial diamonds 16. Who was DeBeers alleged to have supplied diamonds to during the Second World War? Hitler , Germany 17. What did an investigation by the Justice Department conclude about the DeBeers actions with regard to the industrial diamonds it did provide to the Unites States during the war? DeBeers overcharged US 18. What did DeBeers wartime advertising appeal to? American Patriotism ( Paid for mining which produces diamonds we need to win war 19. According to Edward Epstein, what was the major way that DeBeers wanted diamonds to be introduced when scenes were written into the movies? In a way that was considered favorable ( man had to surprise woman and present her with a diamond 20. What did the British royal family become in regards to DeBeers? Sales agents 21. What fear did the slogan â€Å"a diamond is forever† arise out of? Fear that sales would be cut if second hand jewelry was put out in the market 22. According to DeBeers message to its dealers, what is its goal? Convince consumer to buy diamonds for every romantic milestone (cultural imperative) 23. How did DeBeers respond to the discovery of diamond mines in Siberia? did business with Russians 24. What does Thomas Helsby think is amusing about the eternity ring? Filled with stones from Siberia 25. Who comprises a significant part of the Indian labor pool that cuts small diamonds? 750,000 cutters 100,000 children under 13 26. What have Indian diamonds made possible? Low price jewelry 27. How did DeBeers respond to the discovery of a diamond mine in Australia? Mobilized threatened to reduce prices 28. According to Walter Adams, what does the Sherman Act say? As long as you have enough competitors and act independently public interest will be protected. 29. According to DeBeers executives, what is the easiest airport in the United States to use if you need to leave the country when a subpoena is issued? Chicago O’Hara’s Airport 30. According to Edward Russell what did his boss at GE tell him about competing with DeBeers in the gem market? We won’ t compete with DeBeers 31. What evidence does Edward Russell give for his belief that GE is involved in a cartel with DeBeers? After he was terminated, identical price increase was implemented 32. While Harry Oppenheimer has criticized the apartheid system in South Africa, why does Duncan Hines think he is not being genuine? He claims he opposes the apartheid system, but yet he makes money from it 33. How did DeBeers create a mining workforce from black people living on the land? Unskilled workers ( they forced them off the land by enforcing taxes the black people didn’t have cash so they had to work in mines to pay the taxes 34. What are working conditions like for the miners in South Africa? Long hours, not much to eat, harsh weather conditions 5. How did the revulsion of the world to the brutality of apartheid contribute to the growth of the Oppenheimers’ power within South Africa? Investors withdrew investments, international companies in South Africa got out of the country 36. What may be the cartel’s greatest accomplishment? Transformed the illusion that diamonds are valuable into a reality 37. Why is the diamond deception not a one-person play? Deceiver and deceived . The person who is deceived plays a part in the deception as well. It’s future rests in all of the people who believe its myths and carry on the value. How to cite Comm 287 Study Guide, Papers