Tuesday, December 31, 2019

AP World History - Learn What Test Score You Need

World History is a popular Advanced Placement subject, and in 2017 nearly 300,000 students took the AP World History exam. Many colleges have a history requirement as part of their general education programs, and a high score on the exam will often fulfill the requirement and qualify students to take upper-level history courses. About the AP World History Course and Exam AP World History is designed to cover the material one would encounter in a two-semester introductory-level college world history course, although the reality is that very few colleges will award two semesters of credit for the course. The course is broad and covers important people and events from 8000 B.C.E to the present. Students learn to make historical arguments and historical comparisons, and they learn how to analyze and write about both primary and secondary sources. Students study how to contextualize historical events, and how to understand cause and effect in relation to historical phenomena. The course can be broken down into five broad themes: The ways that humans have been shaped by the environment as well as the way that humans have affected and transformed the environment.The rise and interaction of different cultures, and the ways that religions and various  belief systems have molded societies over time.Issues of state including the study of agrarian, pastoral, and mercantile states, as well as the ideological foundations of governing systems such as religion and nationalism. Students also study types of states such as autocracies and democracies, and conflicts and wars between states.Economic systems including their creation, expansion, and interaction. Students study agricultural and industrial systems as well as systems of labor including free labor and coerced labor.Social structures within human societies including those based on kinship, ethnicity, gender, race, and wealth. Students will study have different social groups are created, sustained, and transformed. Along with the five themes, AP World History can be broken down into six historical periods: Name of Time Period Date Range Weight on Exam Technological and Environmental Transformation 8000 to 600 B.C.E. 5 percent Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies 600 B.C.E to 600 C.E. 15 percent Regional and Interregional Interactions 600 C.E. to 1450 20 percent Global Interactions 1450 to 1750 20 percent Industrialization and Global Integration 1750 to 1900 20 percent Accelerating Global Change and Realignments 1900 to the Present 20 percent AP World History Exam Score Information In 2018, 303,243 students took the Advanced Placement World History exam. The mean score was a 2.78. 56.2 percent of students received a score of 3 or higher, meaning they might qualify for college credit or course placement. The distribution of scores for the AP World History exam is as follows: AP World History Score Percentiles (2018 Data) Score Number of Students Percentage of Students 5 26,904 8.9 4 60,272 19.9 3 83,107 27.4 2 86,322 28.5 1 46,638 15.4 The College Board has posted preliminary score distributions for the World History exam for 2019 test-takers. Note that these numbers may change slightly as late exams get recorded. Preliminary 2019 AP World History Score Data Score Percentage of Students 5 8.7 4 19 3 28.3 2 28.9 1 15.1 College Credit Course Placement for AP World History Most colleges and universities have a history requirement and/or a global perspectives requirement, so a high score on the AP World History exam will sometimes fulfill one or both of these requirements. The table below presents some representative data from a variety of colleges and universities. This information is meant to provide a general overview of the scoring and placement practices related to the AP World History exam. For other schools, youll need to search the colleges website or contact the appropriate Registrars office to get AP placement information. AP World History Scores and Placement College Score Needed Placement Credit Georgia Tech 4 or 5 1000-level history (3 semester hours) LSU 4 or 5 HIST 1007 (3 credits) MIT 5 9 general elective units Notre Dame 5 History 10030 (3 credits) Reed College 4 or 5 1 credit; no placement Stanford University - no credit or placement for the AP World History exam Truman State University 3, 4 or 5 HIST 131 World Civilizations before 500 A.D. (3 credits) for a 3 or 4; HIST 131 World Civilizations before 500 A.D. and HIST 133 World Civilizations, 1700-Present (6 credits) for a 5 UCLA (School of Letters and Science) 3, 4 or 5 8 credits and World History placement Yale University - no credit or placement for the AP World History exam A Final Word on AP World History Keep in mind that college placement isnt the only reason to take AP World History. Selective colleges and universities typically rank an applicants  academic record  as the most important factor in the admissions process. Extracurricular activities and essays matter, but good grades in challenging classes matter more. The admissions folks will want to see good grades in college preparatory classes. Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate (IB), Honors, and Dual Enrollment classes all play an important role in demonstrating an applicants college readiness. In fact, success in challenging courses is the best predictor of college success available to the admissions officers. SAT and ACT scores have some predictive value, but the  thing they best predict is the income of the applicant. If youre trying to figure out which AP classes to take, World History is often a good choice. It is a popular exam ranking below just five subjects: Calculus, English Language, English Literature, Psychology, and United States History. Colleges like to admit students who have broad, worldly knowledge, and World History certainly helps demonstrate that knowledge. To learn more specific information about the AP World History exam, be sure to visit the  official College Board website.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Fear Is An Emotional Response Induced - 983 Words

According to PhycologyToday.com fear is an emotional response induced by a perceived threat, which causes a change in brain and organ function, as well as in behavior. Fear can lead us to become narcissistic, to run away from various issues, or to freeze up and become victim under circumstance, or it may come in the form of a discovery. When I was younger my fear came in form of darkness, not knowing what was in the space. Over the course of time that form of fear of course changed. You will always be afraid of something, it doesn t necessarily have to be physical. Sometimes fear comes in masses specifically referring to White America being afraid of the educated, prospering Black American. Since slavery, the lore of the predacious Black individual has been used to fear Whites and to justify their brutality and violence done against Black individuals, communities and continents. â€Å"The enslavement of Africans resulted in a plethora of uprisings, from the Haitian Rebellion to Nat Turner’s rebellion. Since then, whites have developed a pathological fear that oppressed Blacks will one day rise up and inflict vengeance upon their oppressors† . In 1826, John B. Russwurm became the first Black college graduate. Today just about 4.6 million African Americans hold a four-year college degree according to The Journal of Black in Higher Education . This number is ridiculously large considering that at the time of the Harlem Renaissance only one in 1,000 Blacks were collegeShow MoreRelatedA Persons Emotional Response to Food1166 Words   |  5 Pagesguests and serve a feast full of Roman delicacies. Since then food has become an emotional aspect of our lives. Certain foods, such as cakes and cookies, might create a pleasurable experience for an individual, while other foods, such as vegetables and seafood, might create an unpleasant experience for them. In addition, people might tend to eat a certain type of food or certain amount of food depending on the emotional state that they are in. It is also becoming more apparent in society that peopleRead MoreWatson and Rayner’s Classical Study with Llittle Albert Essay1726 Wo rds   |  7 Pages‘Little Albert’. The experiment was an adaptation of earlier studies on classical conditioning of stimulus response, one most common by Ivan Pavlov, depicting the conditioning of stimulus response in dogs. Watson and Rayner aimed to teach Albert to become fearful of a placid white rat, via the use of stimulus associations, testing Pavlov’s earlier theory of classical conditioning. In response to the question set, I will go into detail of the study, consisting of the background, main hypotheses, asRead MoreExtreme Human Emotions are the Sole Product of Biological Functioning911 Words   |  4 Pagesstudying fear. The amygdala is involved in processing emotions (McGaugh, 2001). It is also responsible for ‘fight or flight’ reactions which are essential for survival among humans. In addition to this, certain emotions have been studied and attributed to biology, for example, fear. LeDoux (2000) explains that fear is a conditioned response which is essential for the process of natural selection to occur. Fear increases a human’s likelihood of survival. To continue to support that idea that fear is aRead MoreThe Nervous System, Cardiac Electrophysiology And The Brain1311 Words   |  6 Pagesperspective. Keywords: Arrhythmia; autonomic nerves; myocardium; mental stress Abbreviations: PET= Positron emission tomography; ECG= Electrocardiogram; ICD= Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator; SVT= Supraventricular Tachycardia; RVR= Rapid Ventricular Response Head Vs. Heart: The Real Connection Between Ones Internal And External Environments The heart is an organ that requires careful examination and attention, especially in those with pre-existing cardiac conditions. This research review relatesRead MoreHow Stress Affects Health987 Words   |  4 Pagesto blunt the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis response to stress† (1). The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis coordinates with the norepinephrine pathways, which are pathways that transfer a hormones released by the adrenal medulla to raise blood pressure, to extract a fitting response to emotional stressors (Bello, Yeh, Verpeut and Walters 1). â€Å"Stressors, by activating a neural stress–response network, bias cognition toward increased emotional activity and degraded executive function. This causesRead MoreRole Of Ashwagandha As A Health System Of India For Thousands Of Years1643 Words   |  7 Pageswith adaptogenic properties. The adaptogens improve the response to stress and help the body to adapt by normalizing physiological processes in times of increased stress. Ashwagandha is most popular among them. INTRODUCTION: Human society has more evolved and become more demanding in many centuries but our physiological mechanism to cope up with adversities of life and nature has not evolved appreciably.1 hence our physiological response to rapid change in lifestyle, social pressures, and informationRead MoreResearch Study on Gender Differences1272 Words   |  6 Pagesto being more emotional than men in emotional settings. Not in all instances is this true, however, men feel they need to set a strong, domineering, display of their emotions and the way they react towards certain emotional situations. Gender display rules are a set of rules that usually either male or female follow in order to fit their specific gender script in society. It is stated in the textbook that women talk more about feelings and emotions and use communication for emotional expression moreRead MoreThe Function Of A Memory1422 Words   |  6 Pageseffectively to similar demands1. The stress response is largely mediated by the h ypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis (HPA) coupled with the release of catecholamines through adrenergic neural discharges1. These physiological mechanisms activate downstream pathways that stimulate metabotropic alterations in neural networks, resulting in long-term memory formation1. In animals and humans, stress mediated neuroendocrine responses enhance the consolidation of emotional memories2. However, exposure to traumaticRead MoreEssay research study on gender differences1272 Words   |  6 Pagesto being more emotional than men in emotional settings. Not in all instances is this true, however, men feel they need to set a strong, domineering, display of their emotions and the way they react towards certain emotional situations. Gender display rules are a set of rules that usually either male or female follow in order to fit their specific gender script in society. It is stated in the textbook that women talk more about feelings and emotions and use communication for em otional expression moreRead MoreBehavior Disorders1059 Words   |  5 PagesBehavior Disorders (Emotional Disturbance Pg 207-210) I. Facts: * Behavior disorders include mental health problems with a focus on behaviors that both identify emotional problems and create interpersonal and social problems for children and adolescents in the course of their development. * Currently, students with such disorders are categorized as having a serious emotional disturbance, which is defined under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Public Law 101-476, as follows:

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Brown’s Installation Service Free Essays

Brown’s Installation Service is the leader in installation, relocation, and reconfiguration of office furniture. In business since 1972, you can be sure that their thirty five years of experience will help you in setting up or changing an office easily and efficiently. Along with their expertise in the installation of modular furniture, Brown’s also offers moving services as well as inventory management. We will write a custom essay sample on Brown’s Installation Service or any similar topic only for you Order Now All of the crews sent from Brown’s Installation Service are highly trained and familiar with all manufactured office furniture systems and casegoods, including such brand names as Haworth, Steelcase, and Herman Miller. Brown’s Installation Service is aware that businesses are always looking for good quality at a low price. Unfortunately, there are furniture companies that quote really low prices and make a lot of promises, but they rarely follow through. Brown’s is not that kind of company. You will be provided with excellent service at a reasonable price, and the crews will work as quickly as possible to ensure that your business is not disrupted. To make this possible, Brown’s Installation Service will come to your office at any time of any day, including weekends. The office is open from 8 to 5 Monday through Friday, but you may reach someone by cell phone 24/7. Brown’s prides themselves on always being available to their customers. There is no job too big or too small for Brown’s Installation Service. Everything is handled in house, so one phone call will take care of your entire project. With years of experience, fair pricing, round the clock service, and one call to take care of everything, there is no reason not to call Brown’s Installation Service for your office furniture needs! Don’t be fooled by the competition. Come to Brown’s first, and come away satisfied! Call 803-735-7196 for inquiries, 803-796-5801 for a quote, or email todd@brownsinstallation. com, and get your office project started today! How to cite Brown’s Installation Service, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Security Breach at Tjx free essay sample

Top-level executives need to understand that IT security is a business issue and not just a technology issue. As seen by the attack, an IT security breach can mean hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, which definitely has an adverse affect on the bottom-line of the business. Further, as a Level 1 business (those that processed over six million credit card transactions per year), the PCI DSS auditor had failed to accurately assess TJX’s network, missing three of twelve encryption requirements: absence of network monitoring, absence of logs, and the presence of unencrypted data stored on the system. The lack of thoroughness on the auditor’s part certainly made the penetration of the system by attacks easier, to the point where they were so confident that they would send each other encrypted messages through the backend of the system. Furthermore, the in-store clerks dropped the ball by not monitoring the self-checkout kiosks more heavily, which resulted in attackers using USB drives to upload software on those terminals! Work process failure points that require attention are the personal information required for non-receipt merchandise returns, such as driver’s license and social security numbers. We will write a custom essay sample on Security Breach at Tjx or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Either do not allow returns without a receipt or implement a system for nonreceipt returns that does not require the customer to give out very personal information. Technology failure points at TJX that need attention are stronger wireless protection, more complicated and unintelligible encryption, stronger firewall configuration to protect cardholder data, updated anti-virus software, and a regularly used log so that there was a track record of added, changed, and accessed information. 2. How should the company’s IT security be improved and strengthened? What should its short-term priorities and long-term plans be? Hiring Richel as the Chief Security Officer was one big step towards a better IT security program at TJX; he’s an executive who understands the harsh and costly consequences of a weak IT security system and has plans to implement the strongest system possible. Short term priorities include 1) addressing Mary Smith’s letter and taking care of the $5,000 theft, 2) implement network monitoring, 3) implement logs, 4) encrypt ALL data and minimize the time where data goes from ‘scrambled’ to ‘unscrambled’, and 5) update all components of the system, both hardware and software, to the most modern and secure in the industry. Long-term priorities should include minimizing risk by making everyone in the company, not just top-level executives, aware of the potential of another massive attack on their system. The reason why I think store clerks and managers should be made aware of their respective branch’s IT system (wireless, kiosks, card swipers, etc) is so that they know what an attack looks like when it is happening. More times than not, the invasion is happening right in front of the cashier’s face yet they have absolutely no idea. Increasing training and updating systems regularly will help ensure another attack from not happening. 3. Was TJX a victim of ingenious cyber crooks or did it create risk by cutting corners? How do smart, profitable retail organizations get into this kind of situation? Based on the article, I really have to place most of the blame on PCI DSS’ auditor. TJX is not in the business of IT Security, they are in the business of selling apparel and home goods at discount prices, and they do it on a massive level. TJX hired a company who specializes in IT Security and they failed to properly analyze their system. Nevertheless, the CTO/CSO at the time should have been well aware of minimum system requirements for a Level 1 company and could have remedied the situation long before the attacks. When you are the biggest and most profitable business in ANY industry, you become the most vulnerable for attacks, mainly because attackers get more out of the time they spend hacking. Bigger systems mean more loop holes, and the attackers won on this one.